U VIN INTERNATIONAL, an MSME Industry having Material Handling Equipment (MHEs) MANUFATURING, SALES, SERVICE and Its SPARES business is a Partnership Firm was put in operation in the year 2016-end by Mr. Vinod Sharma with 35 Years of relavant experience, Ex- TIL Limited, Regional Customer Support Manager ( last position held).
U Vin International has manufacturing and workshop facility at B09, SECTOR 63A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Here we manufacture and assemble MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT as per our product range and its mechanical components and Sub-assemblies as well as test hydraulic and electrical Sub-Assys.
U VIN INTERNATIONAL is focusing exclusively in high quality and cost-effective solution to MHEs products and Services. We are manufacturing quality products as per client’s requirement like TROLLEYS, MANUAL STACKERS, HYDRAULIC SCSSOR LIFTS, JIB CRANES etc on regular basis. We have tremendous pace of doing an assignment with involvement of skilled and experienced people working with us. We are in business of MHEs for warehousing Solutions like HPTs, Stackers, Platform Trucks, Tow Trucks, Elect Forklifts and Racking Systems in broader range of models.